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Thursday, June 4, 2009

Tangy Bread Upma

It was late in the afternoon...and I had just finished the laundry. What was that I felt...a headache trying to creep in???? It was then that I looked at the time and realized was way past my lunch time. Now that explains!!!!
There were no leftovers in the fridge...and that headache did not make we want to do any chopping or mixing over the hot plate!
Here is something that I whipped up with the bread sitting in the fridge...and believe me not much chopping at all:)....and the result ..something really yummylacious...and me wondering...why did i not make this often :)


Bread - 4
Onion - 1/2
Rai - 1/2 tsp
Tomato paste - 1 tsp
Turmeric pd - 1/4 tsp
Chili pd - 1/2 tsp
Salt to taste


Cut the bread into small cubes and keep aside. Heat oil and add rai to it. Let it splutter and add chopped onions and saute till translucent. Add salt, turmeric and chili powder and mix for a minute on low heat. Add tomato paste and mix till the oil starts separating from the mixture. Lower the heat, add bread and fold gently into the spice mixture. Serve hot!


  1. Passion - I make bread upma when I have tons of leftover bread. Only difference is I use the salt mixed in water in order for the bread to absorb it, esp. if it is stale.
    ANother way of making it which you might find interesting is by grinding up the raw bread. It looks like a regular upma. Got an example here if it interests you:

  2. oh ya! thats the way my mom used to make it. I almost forgot about. Thanks for refreshing my memory! Also, the salt mixed in water seems different. I shall try it. But usually I try to not add water to the it may end up becoming soggy. But will try it and let u knw!
